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Welcome to my psychotherapy practice.

As a licensed clinical psychologist I specialize in psychotherapy and consultations for adults of all ages. I provide treatment in both English and Hebrew, and can offer on-line treatment for those who can't come to my office in Kfar Yehoshua. 

This site will help you learn a little bit about me and what to expect when coming in for therapy.

Common Issues I work with in my practice​​:

  • Anxiety and Depression

  • Personal Growth, Experience of Being Stuck 

  • Adjustment Difficulties: Social, Cultural, Professional & other

  • Relationship Issues, Family, Couples

  • LGBT, Gender and Sexual Orientation

  • Trauma and Post Trauma

  • Dream Analysis

  • Existential and Spiritual Dilemmas

  • Crisis Interventions 

Ori Reisman's Alley in Jerusalem shows an opening, a staircase inviting us to climb up (or down) to see what awaits behind the corner, what is there to be discovered. An invitation to walk advance.

Alley in Jerusalem, 1974  Cabri Collection 

Taken from: "Ori Reisman: A Retrospective" / Tel Aviv Museum of Art

My office is located in Kfar Yehoshua, Jezreel Valley 
Dr. Nitzan Shrira, Psy.D.

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything 
That's how the light gets in

Leonard Cohen

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