Welcome to my psychotherapy practice.
As a licensed clinical psychologist I specialize in psychotherapy and consultations for adults of all ages. I provide treatment in both English and Hebrew, and can offer on-line treatment for those who can't come to my office in Kfar Yehoshua.
This site will help you learn a little bit about me and what to expect when coming in for therapy.
Read more about:
Common Issues I work with in my practice:
Anxiety and Depression
Personal Growth, Experience of Being Stuck
Adjustment Difficulties: Social, Cultural, Professional & other
Relationship Issues, Family, Couples
LGBT, Gender and Sexual Orientation
Trauma and Post Trauma
Dream Analysis
Existential and Spiritual Dilemmas
Crisis Interventions
Alley in Jerusalem, 1974 Cabri Collection
Taken from: "Ori Reisman: A Retrospective" / Tel Aviv Museum of Art
My office is located in Kfar Yehoshua, Jezreel Valley
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in
Leonard Cohen